
Where In The World Is Waldo (and Debra)?

Word was that I've been reported missing in the blogsphere; but I am now found. I stepped away for a while to do some life patching. Something like making a quilt, only a bit more difficult. Ripping out threads that have needed redoing and finding some cheeryier fabric to continue on with. I'm in a renewing process and just hope my ol'machine doesn't deconstruct. You don't wanna mess with cranky old machines - they have a life of their own sometimes.

Enough obteuse-ness. (is that a real word for Scrabble?) Anyway, I'm in my LAST FOUR DAYS of school!! I CANNOT believe it. One whole year has passed and I feel each and every sidewalk crack for it. Its been a fun year getting to know my classmates and working in so many kitchens for so many chefs; its been a most difficult year dealing with the loss of my previous life and family connections and some serious health issues; its been a blessed year just because I'm here writing about it and because I have a very dear family here close by who have helped me so much; and its been a huge one for the passing of my dad. All in one year. I'll call this One Year of a Soup with many ingredients.

During these last four days we are in our Restaurant Production class. Today we had our Mystery Basket competency, which is a menu that the Chef picks for us to cook within a certain time frame. If you forgot how to make something basically you were hosed. Chef separated our class in half (since our class is now only 6 or 7 students) and the first group made their menu while the rest of us prepped for a Huge Buffet that the school is hosting tomorrow for San Francisco's Political Finest (is that a Scrabble word? Nah, no such thing) for Election Day. We will have about 150 persons or resonable facsimiles of them.

Basically, we rummaged through our Walk-In Refrigerator, which is close to half the size of my entire dwelling. Anything was game ('scuse the pun) for cooking. There are lots of veggies I hope we have a heavy sauce for since they have passed some prime time in the fridge. It was a day of repetitive work. I personally took all the hard cheese pieces, portions and bits and shredded them all. My right hand thumb is still angry with me for having to hold onto little pieces of hard cheese and shredding them and my fingers in the process. Ouch.

During the second half of the morning the other half of our class had to make our mystery menu. The second half was Sommer, Phil and myself and we all had the same menu to make. We had a Mushroom Risotto to present at 11:30; an Apple, Nuts and Greens salad with a vinigarette dressing set for 11:45; then we had to make a steak, pommes frites (french fries), mayonnaise side with some zucchini that were "tourned". We all came up with pretty much almost the same presentations which was kind of odd. Even our garnishes. Sommer's risotto was the winner, Phil's salad got the medal and my steak and fries were killer. I was happy. Can't win them all but at least I was in the running.

I'm going to miss my classmates and working in the kitchens. But I am looking forward to working at the San Francisco Chronicle in the Food and Wine department! I can't wait to start writing articles and working with food and wine pairings. I've got my hopes pinned on doing some restaurant reviews too. That would be FUN! But, I don't know if they will give that position to an intern... We'll see. Wish me luck!

4 More Days. Much better than 4 More Years of the present Administration! Go out and Vote tomorrow!!!!

1 comment:

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Hello my sweet cousin...
I've been thinking of you daily...
My heart goes out to you at the passing of your Dad... Big hugs...

Congrats on the whole end of school thang! Yeah!