
Prime Rib Friday!

Today we celebrated FRIDAY in the way of an 8 rib Prime Rib Roast. I prepped it yesterday and this morning at 7am I put it in the oven then made my way to making 75 canapes of my own recipe. Actually, I designed 2 separate recipes for canapes that our group worked on and my buddy Phil created the other. On Fridays each team has to make 225 canapes. I love the creative process and the way the other two team members just let Phil and I create. Daralicia is good with the putting the idea together in an organized way and Mikey is good at processing the flow of work. We are a really good team. I'm glad we have the same team for the three week program.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the Prime Rib was my baby to season and cook. I love that I was in charge since I've made so many in my life and the "kids" haven't. I couldn't see ruining a prime piece of beef to a newbie.

After making our 225 canapes I pulled out the beef from the oven and let it set for a bit to continue cooking. (take it out at 128 degrees till it rises to 135 degrees for medium rare [more rare])

I like to cook to rare since the end slices are well done and the next couple of slices are medium well. When you slice further and you get to the rare you can always reheat the next day to medium in the microwave on 1/2 power so you don't over cook it to leather.

I've never seen such a huge side of beef go so fast. Our class ate a lot and we delivered to other classes as well. Especially butchery since they sent the meat over.

We had so much pastry coming in from Baking and Pastry class that we started turning them away! I can't even remember the names but they were hella good. We had baked Alaska, Creme Brulee, Tiramisu, Ice Cream stuff, Chocklet stuff, creamy stuff,.....burp.

Culinary School is incredibly amazing. I brought home desert, lots of Prime Rib and a nice meaty Rib bone, Fruit and whatever is going to be tossed from the walkin refrigerator for the weekend. Friday is Food day.

Whatever weight I lost in Butchery I am definitely gaining back in my current class!

Dinner tonight was a salad (bought at Whole Foods) my Prime Rib meat, a few
teriyaki flavored wings and rice. Yum. I'm happy. Plus I get to SLEEP IN tomorrow AND Sunday. Heaven on a Platter.

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