I'm sure you're all drooling with some kind of B&P envy but look at it from my perspective for a moment. This adorable little photo tells the story of my fear of B&P. I MUST find the courage to carve my path through the dough, the fresh baked crossiants, the amazing desserts, the chocolate, sugar, caramel, and on and on.
We poached pears in wine, which made a lot of sense to me, in Garde Manger but I think we may be carmellizing them over some kind of ice creme now.
I can almost feel my fat cells saying "Oh geez, we gotta make room somewhere, we're heading for a family reunion. Oh dear, where are we going to put all our fat relatives?! Someone ask the hips and tummy the rest of you scout out new places to lodge them. Hey! Try under the upper arm, I've seen that on people. They can hang like they're in a hammock!. Yeah, that's it".
Of course they'll all bring luggage too.
I'll have to learn how to trip and fall in this class right before trying something or (God forbid)taking something home. Quick! Someone send me a Just Say No sticker STAT!
Hang there like a Hammock!
Why is there no 12 Step Program for B&P?
Baeroin and Popium Love, *karendianne.
So, my husband and I have been on a diet for just over 2 weeks (aka, 2 weeks, 1 day).. It's the Candida diet (eliminate sugar, white starchy carbos, fruit, alcohol ** CHOKE **, vinegars, processed foods and finally, coffee)... I held out until Sat. on the coffee. Figured I was sick and needed to drink tea anyway!
The diet is mainly for my husband to try and get rid of his acid reflux and heart burn...
I wish I was there
I wish I was there
I wish I was there
OH.. how I want chocolate drizzlin' over some white, starchy carbos!! And strawberries.. and red wine...and a late.. only 2 more weeks to go and I can sin again! (funny how this whole thing corresponds with Lent.. makes me feel like I am doing something..)
Damn these little sparkly red shoes! where is that Dorothy Chick that sold them to me???
Anyway... I have got to steal that cute photo!!!
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