Once every four years we have this special day. In its honor (or not) I plated my chocolate mousse that I made the day before so it was good and frozen, where we want it before we plate and serve.
I used fruit coulis (raspberry), melted chocolate and vanilla cream to decorate the plate all fancy like. Then we swirl the stuff around to make pretty designs with a big toothpick. I put my "ball" of mousse, which was chocolate covered, on a caramel cracker that I made. It comes out really thin and crispy like. I molded it over a tea cup so I could have a handle when it was cooled. I inverted it and placed the mousse on top and on top of the mousse I put a little dough cooked filligree design in the mousse then presented it to the Chef for grading.
I forgot totally about taking a photo until it was done grading. Meaning: we take a bite each to see how well the mousse turned out. I got all my points for plating, taste, design and creativity. I thought it looked pretty awesome too.
Tomorrow I have volunteered to assist at the San Francisco 6th Annual Crab Festival. I will be helping in Union Square at "Scala's Bistro's" booth. They won last years festival! I'm excited. Plus, I get to graze from all the booth's. Whoo-hooo! I LOVE crab.
Next Thursday I volunteered to assist in North Beach at the Italian Atheletes Club for a dinner serving 200. Sounds interesting plus I like all things Italian! (including the Food)
Monday we have to prep and plate our individual Ice Creams. I made a vanilla/mint with toasted almonds and white chocolate chips. I hope it all turns out good. I didn't taste it today since I didn't have time. I'll try to remember to photo the plate first!
Have a great weekend!
Happy My Birthday!!

Not really but this is the FIRST cake I've made in my Intro to Baking and Pastry class! I can't imagine what I will be able to make in ADVANCED Baking and Pastry.
This cake started off being the embarrassment of my life when I first began. It had a pink frosting made with cherry extract but then I added ground chocolate cookie wafers and it looked like I rolled it in DIRT. I was so upset I considered heading to Whole Foods to see if they would give me a frosted pink cake so I could do a switcheroo with my pink cowpie sitting in the kitchen walkin refrig. Seriously! Damn cake looked like I should have vacuumed it!
Someone asked what I was going to put on my cake as decoration and I told them a hammer.
Everyone else's cakes were looking outrageously amazing. I wanted to drizzle chocolate on top of my that said This Cake Sucks.
Today even both of our B&P chefs had no clue on how to make it better looking except to scrap off the dirt and make more buttercream frosting. In other words: Start over. At least I could cover up the top without having to scrape that off as well.
Long story short, after all was done, I actually made a good looking cake. It was made with two fillings. One a lemon curd added to the butter cream and the other with cherry extract. I "painted" the inside layers with a Creme de Cassis simple sugar bath to soak in before frosting. The final frosting was plain white buttercream. I put chocolate flakes on the sides and added brandied cherries on top with a center of yellow and purple edible pansies.
It was a painful start but a glorious finish. It tasted really good and for those who know me I never eat cakes. Even any of my wedding cakes! Not a bite. But THIS one was really flavorful.
Yea Me!
Bad Day, Bad Mood, Isolate Me

I weighed myself today, paid my bills today and realized my financial status then weighed myself again. Best Advice: Don't. Come. Near. Me. I'm still in Baking and Pastry Class. This is a problem. I'm not happy. Blew up my scale today. Wish I had another to blow up.
In one way (weigh) I still love my schooling.
Still, best to stay just an arms length away.
Oh You Tart You!

I'm having a bit of fun in Baking and Pastry as you can see. I made some fruit tarts filled with Lemon Curd and an apricot glaze as well as a few of the same without the fuit and used meringue instead. I loved working with the blow torch to brown them. I gotta get me one of those handy devices!
Since I'm not such a sweet and fruit eater I took these little puppies over to Butchery and traded my plate for a nice grilled NY they had out. I came back to my room after class was over and had a mighty tasty lunch with fresh steamed broccoli and jalapeno potato chips and an ice cold beer. Yumm. Good lunch, better trade. I'm the savory/salty type not the sweet and sugary type. (Family, no comments or puns, please)
Hope you enjoyed your day as much as I did! Eat, Drink and be Debra!! ha...
Intro to Baking and Pastry Tomorrow

I'm sure you're all drooling with some kind of B&P envy but look at it from my perspective for a moment. This adorable little photo tells the story of my fear of B&P. I MUST find the courage to carve my path through the dough, the fresh baked crossiants, the amazing desserts, the chocolate, sugar, caramel, and on and on.
We poached pears in wine, which made a lot of sense to me, in Garde Manger but I think we may be carmellizing them over some kind of ice creme now.
I can almost feel my fat cells saying "Oh geez, we gotta make room somewhere, we're heading for a family reunion. Oh dear, where are we going to put all our fat relatives?! Someone ask the hips and tummy the rest of you scout out new places to lodge them. Hey! Try under the upper arm, I've seen that on people. They can hang like they're in a hammock!. Yeah, that's it".
Of course they'll all bring luggage too.
I'll have to learn how to trip and fall in this class right before trying something or (God forbid)taking something home. Quick! Someone send me a Just Say No sticker STAT!
heavy hips,
Happy Valentine's Day to All

But not for me. I'm with "cold". I recall when people used to say "she's with child". Well, I'm "with " cold. Both are equally disruptive and uncomfortable. My cold was born yesterday and I'll hopefully have its little goodbye dinner in 7 days. A lot easier than a child but colds repeat themselves. Oh wait....some women do that too. Oh well. I'll enjoy my cold today. I'm taking care of it as you can see.
Good old Vicks vapor rub like grandma used to slather me with, my tea, and my box of tissues. I should have a device such as this clever woman but I can't fit my commis cap over it to take it to school.
My First Fruit Tray!

Yes! Today I had to make my fruit tray which would be the one to go down to the CCA's book signing event by Chef/CEO of 7 Restaurants, David Meyer. It took me an hour and a half to make it with Phil helping by cutting up the fruit. I got the decorating job. It is no easy task to slice up and present fruit. I know it may seem like an easy job but not from a professional culinary position. (oh, I wax a bragging bit here don't I?) Hey, I paid for the rights!
Here's the final product. Like a proud mama I am.
It was soooo much FUN! I was like - giddy. I guess I'm really cut out for this stuff. I wonder what my 100th fruit tray will look like!
Thank gawd Phil told me to hide my big fat behind before he took the picture! He's such a good friend.
He did all the cutting and slicing prep work so I could play with the decorating. We're a good team!
Thanks Phil, couldn't have done it without you (on time). It had to be ready at 11am so you can see from the clock that this job took Teamwork.
A Beautiful Saturday!
Its so glorious to wake up (sleep in) to a clear warm sunny San Francisco day. I lingered over my cup of tea (something I long for during classes) and a cherry danish while checking the news on the internet. The AMC theater is very close so I checked out what movies were playing and went to see There Will Be Blood. I hardly ever go to the movies but I may go more often since I love the matinees with the cheaper prices and not too many people.
The theater is situated inside what used to be a 1930's Cadillac sales room. Its 7 stories tall with theaters on every floor. 14 in total. What is so beautiful is all the woodworking throughout. The cealings, the stairways and the walls with all the original sculpted fixtures and moldings. Its a striking architectural building. That's what I love about San Francisco. The pride they have in the history of these beautiful buildings inside and out. Perfectly preserved and restored.
I ate a late breakfast at the famous Mel's Diner on Van Ness (another part of history) headed to the movie and strolled in the sunshine afterward on my way back home.
I rode the BART back to Millbrae to pick up my car for the weekend and my dearest cousin/brother Guy and I enjoyed a delicious dinner at Max's by the Bay. One of my first "real dinners" in a long time. By "real dinner" I mean having a cocktail, eating a plate of protein, vegetable and starch and having fun conversation with someone I love dearly. A real meaningful meal, all at the same time, like normal people. I am missing that sort of luxury since my meals consist lately of about 8-15 assorted canapes every morning with 11 fellow crazed students; possibly a spoonful of some kind of desert from Baking and Pastry, a snatch of meat, cheese and fruit here and there - all with water. All on the dash.
By the time I get back to my "room" I eat what I can put together and either watch news on TV or read my books.
It's odd that in studying cooking I actually do very little of it here. I have no way to practice on a daily basis after school. But, by the time class is over I realize how tired I am after standing for 5 hours straight. I never feel it until class is over. At least I can grab a nap when I get home to recoup. 5am comes awfully early M - F.
Tomorrow is Sunday, washday, grocery shopping day and ironing day. One more week of Intro to Garde Manger then next will most likely be Intro to Baking and Pastry or Contemporary Cuisine. Next week my team and I will be doing Fruits. We alternate. One week is cheese, one Sushi, and one Fruit. I'm looking forward to next week. And to sleeping in tomorrow!
The theater is situated inside what used to be a 1930's Cadillac sales room. Its 7 stories tall with theaters on every floor. 14 in total. What is so beautiful is all the woodworking throughout. The cealings, the stairways and the walls with all the original sculpted fixtures and moldings. Its a striking architectural building. That's what I love about San Francisco. The pride they have in the history of these beautiful buildings inside and out. Perfectly preserved and restored.
I ate a late breakfast at the famous Mel's Diner on Van Ness (another part of history) headed to the movie and strolled in the sunshine afterward on my way back home.
I rode the BART back to Millbrae to pick up my car for the weekend and my dearest cousin/brother Guy and I enjoyed a delicious dinner at Max's by the Bay. One of my first "real dinners" in a long time. By "real dinner" I mean having a cocktail, eating a plate of protein, vegetable and starch and having fun conversation with someone I love dearly. A real meaningful meal, all at the same time, like normal people. I am missing that sort of luxury since my meals consist lately of about 8-15 assorted canapes every morning with 11 fellow crazed students; possibly a spoonful of some kind of desert from Baking and Pastry, a snatch of meat, cheese and fruit here and there - all with water. All on the dash.
By the time I get back to my "room" I eat what I can put together and either watch news on TV or read my books.
It's odd that in studying cooking I actually do very little of it here. I have no way to practice on a daily basis after school. But, by the time class is over I realize how tired I am after standing for 5 hours straight. I never feel it until class is over. At least I can grab a nap when I get home to recoup. 5am comes awfully early M - F.
Tomorrow is Sunday, washday, grocery shopping day and ironing day. One more week of Intro to Garde Manger then next will most likely be Intro to Baking and Pastry or Contemporary Cuisine. Next week my team and I will be doing Fruits. We alternate. One week is cheese, one Sushi, and one Fruit. I'm looking forward to next week. And to sleeping in tomorrow!
Prime Rib Friday!
Today we celebrated FRIDAY in the way of an 8 rib Prime Rib Roast. I prepped it yesterday and this morning at 7am I put it in the oven then made my way to making 75 canapes of my own recipe. Actually, I designed 2 separate recipes for canapes that our group worked on and my buddy Phil created the other. On Fridays each team has to make 225 canapes. I love the creative process and the way the other two team members just let Phil and I create. Daralicia is good with the putting the idea together in an organized way and Mikey is good at processing the flow of work. We are a really good team. I'm glad we have the same team for the three week program.
As I mentioned in my previous post, the Prime Rib was my baby to season and cook. I love that I was in charge since I've made so many in my life and the "kids" haven't. I couldn't see ruining a prime piece of beef to a newbie.
After making our 225 canapes I pulled out the beef from the oven and let it set for a bit to continue cooking. (take it out at 128 degrees till it rises to 135 degrees for medium rare [more rare])
I like to cook to rare since the end slices are well done and the next couple of slices are medium well. When you slice further and you get to the rare you can always reheat the next day to medium in the microwave on 1/2 power so you don't over cook it to leather.
I've never seen such a huge side of beef go so fast. Our class ate a lot and we delivered to other classes as well. Especially butchery since they sent the meat over.
We had so much pastry coming in from Baking and Pastry class that we started turning them away! I can't even remember the names but they were hella good. We had baked Alaska, Creme Brulee, Tiramisu, Ice Cream stuff, Chocklet stuff, creamy stuff,.....burp.
Culinary School is incredibly amazing. I brought home desert, lots of Prime Rib and a nice meaty Rib bone, Fruit and whatever is going to be tossed from the walkin refrigerator for the weekend. Friday is Food day.
Whatever weight I lost in Butchery I am definitely gaining back in my current class!
Dinner tonight was a salad (bought at Whole Foods) my Prime Rib meat, a few
teriyaki flavored wings and rice. Yum. I'm happy. Plus I get to SLEEP IN tomorrow AND Sunday. Heaven on a Platter.
As I mentioned in my previous post, the Prime Rib was my baby to season and cook. I love that I was in charge since I've made so many in my life and the "kids" haven't. I couldn't see ruining a prime piece of beef to a newbie.
After making our 225 canapes I pulled out the beef from the oven and let it set for a bit to continue cooking. (take it out at 128 degrees till it rises to 135 degrees for medium rare [more rare])
I like to cook to rare since the end slices are well done and the next couple of slices are medium well. When you slice further and you get to the rare you can always reheat the next day to medium in the microwave on 1/2 power so you don't over cook it to leather.
I've never seen such a huge side of beef go so fast. Our class ate a lot and we delivered to other classes as well. Especially butchery since they sent the meat over.
We had so much pastry coming in from Baking and Pastry class that we started turning them away! I can't even remember the names but they were hella good. We had baked Alaska, Creme Brulee, Tiramisu, Ice Cream stuff, Chocklet stuff, creamy stuff,.....burp.
Culinary School is incredibly amazing. I brought home desert, lots of Prime Rib and a nice meaty Rib bone, Fruit and whatever is going to be tossed from the walkin refrigerator for the weekend. Friday is Food day.
Whatever weight I lost in Butchery I am definitely gaining back in my current class!
Dinner tonight was a salad (bought at Whole Foods) my Prime Rib meat, a few
teriyaki flavored wings and rice. Yum. I'm happy. Plus I get to SLEEP IN tomorrow AND Sunday. Heaven on a Platter.
10 Pound Prime Rib
Today in class we recieved a HUGE trussed Prime Rib of Beef from butchery. I guess the Chef's have a need for a juicy slice of beef. When someone walked it in all eyes woke up immediately!
It is a beautiful site for those of us who are connessiurers of fine meat. I know I woke up. The cut is as big as the length of my arm. Seriously immense.
Chef Rob looked around class and spyed my friend Phil and said "you be in charge of that meat". Meaning, you prepare it for cooking tomorrow. I love Phil but he's awfully young to be in charge of such a carnal diamond. I immediately countered back to Chef that "I WANT TO BE IN CHARGE OF THE MEAT!" I saw a few others smile and shake their heads at me. I'm never shy about things I'm passionate about.
I was passionate because I know that cut of beef and the size of it would cost around $100 from a market. I couldn't let it go to someone who might not do it justice. I know my buddy Phil is good and smart but there are some things I insist on. Full custody of my daughter and full custody of a $100 loaf of pure prime rib.
I made a rub from mashed garlic and salt in a spanish style molcolhete bowl and stone, added rosemary, thyme and oregano, and olive oil. I rubbed the meat with it and then cut slices into the meat and stuffed in hearty garlic slices for flavor into all the nooks and crannies too. YUM.
I'll arrive early tomorrow to preheat the oven and add the delicacy so by the time its about 11am the class can enjoy slices of pure prime rib. Is this making you hungry yet?? I can't wait for tomorrow.
Life in Intro Garde Manger with Chef Rob is THE BEST!! Not only is he truly talented and knowledgeable but he gets the best stuff from the other Chefs because he is so good and teaches us so well. Gotta love that guy.
I've learned a TON in his class and look forward to another week. I gotta make good notes to remember everything. So much to learn. I LOVE this school.
It is a beautiful site for those of us who are connessiurers of fine meat. I know I woke up. The cut is as big as the length of my arm. Seriously immense.
Chef Rob looked around class and spyed my friend Phil and said "you be in charge of that meat". Meaning, you prepare it for cooking tomorrow. I love Phil but he's awfully young to be in charge of such a carnal diamond. I immediately countered back to Chef that "I WANT TO BE IN CHARGE OF THE MEAT!" I saw a few others smile and shake their heads at me. I'm never shy about things I'm passionate about.
I was passionate because I know that cut of beef and the size of it would cost around $100 from a market. I couldn't let it go to someone who might not do it justice. I know my buddy Phil is good and smart but there are some things I insist on. Full custody of my daughter and full custody of a $100 loaf of pure prime rib.
I made a rub from mashed garlic and salt in a spanish style molcolhete bowl and stone, added rosemary, thyme and oregano, and olive oil. I rubbed the meat with it and then cut slices into the meat and stuffed in hearty garlic slices for flavor into all the nooks and crannies too. YUM.
I'll arrive early tomorrow to preheat the oven and add the delicacy so by the time its about 11am the class can enjoy slices of pure prime rib. Is this making you hungry yet?? I can't wait for tomorrow.
Life in Intro Garde Manger with Chef Rob is THE BEST!! Not only is he truly talented and knowledgeable but he gets the best stuff from the other Chefs because he is so good and teaches us so well. Gotta love that guy.
I've learned a TON in his class and look forward to another week. I gotta make good notes to remember everything. So much to learn. I LOVE this school.
OMG! Soooooo Yummy!
Well, I didn't have any pictures of food so I 

added the next best thing to a big juicy
porterhouse steak with garlic and jalapeno peppers. Mr. Ultra Handsome Javier Bardem.
I haven't had much time to search the internet for cutsie food pictures and I thought maybe I was losing some readership with my strictly orientated produce and pasta layouts. How about laying out with this?!
Its Monday, I needed a little pick me up. So, Javier, you're coming over to pick me up at 8 right?
This guy is so the next George Clooney. He used to be my secret crush but he's getting a bit long in the tooth now. Got to move on down the playskool ladder.
Live large ladies (and guys if you're so inclined). He'll tire of Penelope Cruz in a movie lifetime (equates to about 1 movie or 2 hours max).
What a nice Monday.
First Week of Intro Garde Manger OVER!

What a great class! I learned so much there in the first week. Our Chef really knows his stuff. He's won some serious awards as a Chef and knows how to present food efficiently but making money while satisfying his customers.
I got some seriously good instruction from Chef Rob on how to properly make a cheese platter to please the people. One I won't forget. I took this photo of my platter to show you how it looked. I was soooo proud. Earlier in the week we cooked and prepped a dozen pears in white wine and another team prepped the same in a red current jelly mix. They are really tasty after cooling and chilling. Really easy to make too.
By Friday, our team of 4 made four different recipes of Canapes totalling 225 individual canapes. Then we made a Caprese Salad with mozarella cheese and tomatoes on a bed of chiffonade romaine lettuce topped with salt, pepper, olive oil and chiffonade fresh basil. In addition to that we made 2 separate cheese plates and prepped some duck confit for next week. We had to deep fry folded won tons for the seared ahi tuna canape and deep fried flour tortilla squares for the fried chicken bunch and toasted bread rounds for the shrimp canapes. All these had a seasoned cream cheese to match the protein and of course, little add ons for eye appeal.
We load trays of everything and drop them off in other classes as well as serve as hosts to all the students and Chefs who pop in our class to "graze". I heard some of the visiting students remark that our stuff was really professional looking and when they made theirs it looked like crap! Ha. They had a different chef than us. We are learning from the best. Fortunate indeed.
Our class is divided into three groups or teams and each team has their own set of requirements to make but every team makes 75 canapes daily and 225 on Friday for the big food day. Its hectic but fun. We all work good together and get a lot of stuff done including, clean up, cleaning out the walk in refrigerator on Fridays and retrieving our trays from the other classes at the end of the day.
Monday our team (Team #2) moves on to the sushi making format. We prepped 2 large fillets of salmon into Scandanavian Style Gravlax so we will have some delicious tasting paper thin slices of gravlax to make up some canapes with. Its really good stuff.
I ate so much on Friday I was almost sick. I ate deviled eggs (not like your mom makes), rare flank steak canapes, ceviche canapes, shrimp, fried chicken and seared ahi canapes, sushi rolls, fruit, cheese, and anything else I ran across. Butchery was like a walk in the Sahara dessert. We had all this good stuff around us but couldn't eat anything. Now, we're just the opposite.
I can't believe I still have a year to go and learn a ton more stuff. I feel like I'm reading a really good novel that I don't want to end. Next week, I move to another Chapter. YES!
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