
To The Bat Cave Batman!!

Still lying low. Horizontal is the name of the game for this week. My goal is to do very little so that I'm healed by the end of this week and get my game on for my new class at CCA. I'm not sure what I'll head into next but it's certain I will have to redo Butchery. Good old Butcher Bob has not seen the last of me yet.

Being in ICU at 12 Robert isn't such a bad deal. The food is way better than Peninsula Hosp (my other option) and I have such a wonderful nurse, Nurse Alice who takes good care of me. She's like the Mary Poppins of the medical team. The resident Doctor is called Doctor John. Not much in bedside manner but he takes care of his charges. Bluntly. Think a warm Captain Bly.

The orderly is a very humorous fellow who shows up with a smile and a quick laugh no matter what Dr. John Bly does. Lights out at 9pm. No heat after 10pm. Coffee on at 6 am. Still that nice orderly Guy manages a joke or two. What a nice Guy.

I was able to make my own breakfast today but after standing for a half hour I had to retreat back to the Back Cave. Cave Room 12 A at Robert Place Hospital. If you want to talk to me and call here you'll have to go through Dr. J. Bly who screens all calls. Good Luck. I'll call you.

Its raining here all week so its kinda nice to listen to the rain, take my meds, zone out, feel no pain. But I'd rather be back in school. Really. I'm having a cooking jones. I'm going to look for a good acupuncturist in China Town when I get better. I believe in getting stuck with needles all over my body just to feel good. Once they take them out, believe me, you DO feel better! HA

See ya in Rehab.

1 comment:

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

OH Man! I love all those characters (in real life, too!)... What a crack up...
You described each and every one of them to a Capital T...

I like that Nice Guy, and Auntie Poppins and Captain J. Bly!
They are all awesome...
Have the Captain run to the cool coffee shop downtown and bring you a latte... hmm... then you will really be squirming! I take that back...
Have fun at 12A!