I missed two days of class this week and I am NOT happy. Neither is the Patron Saint of Casseroles. Here she is probably getting ready to slap me upside the head for missing kitchen lectures and gruesome flesh slashing!
Once again, like clockwork, my darn back went out last Sunday. I wasn't jumping from tall buildings with a single bound, I wasn't stopping a train in its tracks, and wasn't even catching bullets with my bare hand. I was just walking. That's all. Just walking. I probably took a curb to jauntilly, or my brisk walk was too uneven or maybe I was taking too long of a stride with my left leg when my right arm was swinging too wide. Whatever. Life sucks really easy.
I could not get out of bed Monday, therefore I missed a day of butchery. I managed to walk (? more like hunched over and shuffling) to school Tuesday and Wednesday for lecture but not partaking of the hacking and mauling apart of our storehouse of dead carcasses. I tried to see how long I could last on Wednesday and made it till 11:20 when I dropped my knife and as it was heading for the end of the table in front of me I tried to stop it. Quickly. Much to quickly. I had to explain to the students that the scream was NOT from the dead chicken.
I could not make it in again on Friday. Thankfully, the powers that be (or maybe Saint Out-of-Your-Reach-Favors decided Monday as a holiday and I can take 4 days to lay flat on my back doing NOTHING. I must get well. Butchery ends next week.
Last week I was a hell raisin' hooligan and this week its pure hell if I try and raise anything!
Donations accepted for the Pity Party.
Was that chicken named "Mr Swanson" by chance? (grandpa we're talking about you!)
Crapola! Not good... been there...(2 babies within 16 months - ack!)...
So, when I had physical therapy, the dude gave me a bunch of exercises to do each morning.. best one was lying on my back, and holding knees to tummy... nice stretch w/o hurting anything... hang in there.. or is that, lay in there???? sorry...
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