I'm heading into Butchery for 3 weeks, 5 hours a day. Should be FUN. I'll learn how to dress a fish (pink or blue Tutu with tights?), learn to cut beef, pork, chicken and even completely debone the chicken leaving in it place to stuff it to look like a chicken... why? because we can.
The Chef is a very serious man who looks like he'll brook no jokes, fun or laughter. It'll be a tough class for me to deal with. Maybe by the end of the class I'll get a smile or smirk from him. Its on my to-do list now.
I'll be glad to get back on a set schedule. It keeps me in place and oriented. Otherwise, I do silly things like take weird photos with my cousin Guy on his new IMac computer. This one is my favorite. Oh my did we laugh and laugh New Years Eve. He and I totally had a ball screwing our faces up with his new toy. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I hope you enjoy my photo too! Live and Laugh Long. Yeah!
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