
Ready, Set, Defrost!

Today I met with the SF Housing person regarding my room location at the Temple Bar and Grill. Finally I got to Temple. I had the kosher Ceasar Salad and a diet coke. She had trouble getting me into the Oasis Hotel this week so I'll have to bed up at a little slice of heaven called the Red Coach Motor Lodge which is on the very corner of Eddy and Polk. A little red and white number with 3 floors. The room had two double beds, a TV, a desk, 2 chairs a No Closet closet (no doors) and a fairly nice restroom with a shower that has a nice tiled side you can sit on, if you dare. The room was conveniently located right next to the elevator. Oh boy. Better than next to the ice machine I guess.

Tomorrow is orientation where I get the outfit and the books. They won't give us the knives until Monday when we show up to class. Hummmm I wonder why. Who told! Anyway.

I'm really psyched up about the move, seediness helps build the ambiance, and the books I'll get. The outfit is fine since I'll look like every newbie within 3 blocks. They hang out everywhere. I've yet to see anyone even remotely near my golden years. This all should be interesting. I haven't decided how I shall present myself yet. The Aging Rock Star, The Quiet Librarian, the Older Hippie Cool Gal, the Mother of All youngun's or what. One only gets a first chance at a first impression and I want it to be a wing dinger!! (ie. very old phrase only a person over 50 uses).

Okay. I've got to plan for my induction into my future tomorrow so I'll sign off now. Hope you all hang in there so I can tell you all about the interesting folks I'll meet at school and around the neighborhood.

Welcome to my world. :))

1 comment:

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

I'm voting for the 'older hippie cool gal'... kinda my style, crossed with the 'gracefully' aging rock star, and of course, mother of a couple of youngins!

have fun!