Today we started with Business Management from 7am to 9:30, then moved on to Intro to Wines. Like slipping on a comfy pair of house slippers.
Business Mgmt reminds me of where I just came from (law office mgmt). Its easy enough since it deals with things I'm familiar with on running someone else's business using their money! My favorite setup. Oddly, the business wasn't doing well so they sold it to another firm... hummmm. Oh well, I was tiring of it after 7 years.
From 9:30 till noon we are studying the intricacies of wines, vineyards, fermenting and other mouthwatering jammy spice, blackberry, cherry and plum stuff. The Chef says when we're done we should be able to bet anyone at a party what the wine is, the year - give or take a year - and whether or not it was barreled or bottled. Pretty interesting. We learned a lot about grapes today and the ones that we don't use are the ones you get in the store. Those are eating grapes or the grapes of wrath from the sun, african pigmy shrunken head stuff. Raisins. No No. No wine there.
Chef says by Wednesday we should begin tasting. Just think, how awful is it that for school I have to drink wines every morning for 2.5 weeks. I mean, I have to pass this class don't I? Oh, and the Chef also said we will be making our Own Wine in class! Cool. Who knew. My attendance record just zoomed up some more notches.
I seriously doubt that I will be making anything close to the bottle of Chateau-Neuf-du-Pape that Shannon and Lisa sent me when they went wine tasting down in LA but I'll try ladies, I'll try. (thank you again!) I'm saving that stuff for something real special. Like when I rondevous with them again for a good card game.
Well, I guess I'll go for the night. Gotta get up early and pay attention! La la la, la tee da... Yippee.
1 comment:
Now we're talking!!! WINE! The redder the better... That's my motto...
My faves are all reds... one of my fave cooking wine is the Barefoot Zin... as in I have a glass when cooking!!
I'll have to hook you up with my friend Bev.. she own's a store in Baker (BELLA) where our meat is sold and she is a wine goddess...
She was just at some fancy resort being one of the judges/tasters/etc...
Here is her blogster...
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