
Math Final Friday!!

I'm toooo excited because I PASSED my final exam in Purchasing Math with an 80%. You may say, Oh Deb, how you've let go of your High Standards! I'll say a resounding No because I am notoriously NO GOOD at math. I know it. But I studied real hard. I have band-aids surrounding my head like a crown of thorns. Yes, my head hurts but I passed. I do believe this sets me up for an "A" in Kitchen Math since we had a lot of other daily quizs, a recipe project and more. I did good.

I quit drinking for 2 weeks so I could concentrate during these last two weeks and today I celebrated with 2 beers with my lunch and then had to take a 2 hour nap! I'm out of the drinking game. I'd rather be in the Ace-ing game anyway.

Yeah Me!! I'm happy.


Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Woo Hoo!! Congratulations!!!!!

That is major big stuff.. you deserve those two beers, nap, and respite...

Enjoy the weekend!

Does this mean more food recipes/stories next week????

*karendianne. said...

Band aids like a crown of thorns. Math is never going to be the same for me again!

That's how I feel about it. Well, that and needles in my eyes.

But look at you goin' and kickin' ass. Right on.