Food for Thought
Oh, not my body! I sometime despair over my body: the crepey neck, the wrinkly eyes, and the sagging (ever stretching )butt. And often I am a bit sad by that old person that lives in my mirror, but I don't agonize over those things for long.
I would never trade my amazing friends, my adventurous life, my loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly. As I've aged, I've become more kind to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. I don't chide myself for eating a cookie, or for not making my bed (although I always do!), or for buying silly things, that I have no idea where they are today, but I had to have. I am entitled to a treat, to be messy if I want, to be extravagant. I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging.
Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 70 & 80s, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love ... I will.
I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over my too large body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set . They, too, will get older.
I know I am sometimes forgetful (just ask my daughter). But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things. Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when you lose a beloved pet? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.
I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver. As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong. So, to answer your question, I like being older. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day. (If I feel like it) Live Large, Laugh Often.
Contemporary Cooking Class is Over

Apply Defibulator, STAT!!!
Wednesday = Farmer's Market

Today I bought Baby Bok Choy, tangerines, Asian Pears, a cucumber and some bright red radishes and green onions.
The weather was perfect for an afternoon stroll. I'm even getting adjusted to the kooks in the Tenderloin District on my way home. There are more and more vendors as spring brings all the fresh grown goodies up for grabs. My Contemporary Foods class is having a good effect on my eating preferences now. I am eating way less meats and much more veggies and grains.
We ate some more good stuff in class today like cauliflower and minestrone soups, a chicken dish with red and yellow bell peppers, orzo pasta with kale, spicy tomato salsa and avocado with crisp corn tortilla's, boiled tempeh with green onions in vegetable stock with some soy sauce, fresh assorted cookies, a really delicious healthy pizza simply made with tomato sauce, cheese and an herbed dough crust, some chicken kabobs, and deep fried veggies in a batter served with a yummy spicy ponzu like sauce.
There were other things but I forgot. So much food. We all cook together, eat together and discuss the shortcomings of a certain classmate who gets on ALL our nerves! She's not a regular with our class but someone who has to make up this class b/c she probably failed it last time. She can't help but get on your nerves in a very special way, real quick. Most of us are just trying to avoid her in case we lose it and do that silly high school thing and deck her.
She keeps that "badatuide" up, she may be the next item on our buffet. Watch your back girlfriend! The injuns are getting restless.
IRISH I was out having fun.....
All You Can Eat!

Contemporary Foods Daily Buffet
I couldn't begin to remember all the good stuff I've eaten but one of my very favorites so far is the Red Lentil and Apricot Soup!! To. Die. For. So delicious. I'm too tired to do the recipe now but I can do it at another time.
Tomorrow I have to cook Vegan Recipes. I'm making Indonesian Tempeh Pancakes with an orange glaze. Eh. I may try to do something else too. Like brown rice with sweet corn. Just cuz it sounds nice. I'm not really too warm to vegan.
But I AM eating way better than in Baking and Pastry!
Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, its off to work we go...

You can see from Lil' Miss Happy Face that the whole experience was nothing but fun. We prepped, served, waited and cleaned up for a 320 person dinner. We started at 12:45 pm and ended at 10:15pm. I had risen that morning at 5:15am to head to class. By the time I was home, showered and in bed it was 11:30pm and I had to rise again at 5:15 to head to my last class of Baking and Pastry to take my finals.
I'm slightly recovered today. My feet don't hurt quite so much now (they only bark when I walk) and my arms and legs have feeling again.
What the %$*! was I thinking you may ask. Well, I thought it was going to be a short gig of 5-6 hours and that we'd do no serving or cleanup. Turns out that didn't happen and no one knew it until we got there. Like they say "Poo Happens" (I have a problem saying Shit online). So, we just end up grinning and bearing it.
I have learned one thing from this event. Never volunteer for a job the night before your Final. Lesson Learned.
Oddly enough, I had explicitly asked the "Chef" before volunteering whether we'd have to serve or clean-up and he said No. The Club is handling that. So that's why I volunteered. Eh, who knew?!
If I was one of the 7 dwarves, just call me Grumpy!
Rounding Out My Last Week

San Fran Crab Festival!