I'm soooo glad to be leaving Baking and Pasty this Friday. I have gained 5 extra (possibly more) pounds since starting it 2.5 weeks ago. This is depressing.
Yesterday I started my morning plating my Ice Cream, which by definition, means that I have to do a lot of tasting before and after. I have to make sure it's good enough then the Chef makes you taste along with him while he explains stuff. I put my Ice Cream in a martini glass (I'd rather had that instead!) and drizzled chocolate in a swirl along the inside of it. I also made designs with raspberry and strawberry coulis (a liquid of the fruit) on the Ice Cream. Then I topped it with a hardened chocolate curly-cue thingy I made the day before.
I do feel that it presented well and tasted good (real good). I got all my points. I just don't like the idea of eating Ice Cream and chocolate at 8am! I couldn't just toss the nice pretty thing in the compost garbage, and it wasn't looking like I'd be eating anything else for breakfast so I did the only thing I could.
I just can't seem to eat right at school. How ironic is that?! I have no time for breakfast so I eat a banana (I don't like bananas but they "carry well") on the way to the shuttle. I also carry a Box O' Raisins and a bag of almonds with me as "just in case" emergency food. If I'm lucky I have time to grab some tea before class begins, otherwise I'm stuck with water. We HAVE to eat whatever we are working on for flavor, taste, seasonings, etc. It doesn't sound like a lot of food but somehow, its 5 extra pounds of it.
Maybe its the sugar. I NEVER eat things with lots of sugar. I hardly ever eat ice cream, cut out cookies, no more doughnuts, or even chocolate. So in Baking and Pastry its tons of the demon sugar, mounds of chocolate, ice cream and now this week - Breads! This is my real weakness!!
I made a Kalamata Olive, rosemary flavored olive oil Foccacia bread, and another Foccacia with a garlic, red pepper flake olive oil blend and sprinkled lightly with sea salt. OMG! When that puppy comes out of the oven I'm ALL over it. It WAS GOOD. Yet I know it has tons of olive oil. I made it. I know that! But I still ate a nice size square of it.
I'm just going to have to lay on the other side of the bed at night to even out the mattress. Hopefully I won't roll into the hole from my fat ass on the left side. Blow up a balloon, put a photo of my face on it and run. I may just burst!
Photo from Bent Objects.com (a great site)
Oh this class is torture!
You're after my own heart with the Martini Class. I would rather have one of those, too. And even in the morning if we must...if its a special occassion and all. ;)
I guess a Chef has to taste so much. How do Chef's do this and stay thin? Oh hell, can we just admit we dont have the skinny genes?
Well YOU DO but they're hiding. I never had them.
Always Been Porky Love, *karendianne.
What Martini Class? How did I miss that??? Gotta reread...
BTW, you have been tagged! Sorry!
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