
What to Do Saturday Night.....

Gee, life is different now that I'm Over 50 and alone in one of the world's best Cities for fun, food, and excitement. Saturday nights slam that one home. I'd Love to go out and dance somewhere, have a toddy or two and listen to good music. Going alone doesn't really kick it up for me.

Where does someone my age find fun peeps to hang with? (Glo, move back to SF, STAT!)

So what did I do today for fun you ask? I cooked in the Espinoza Residence (my home)! I have a monkey on my back called COOKING JONES. I made Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage, Potato Leek Soup and Veal Scallopini with Lemon Caper sauce. I was beat tired. Hung out at Casa Espinoza relaxing and sharing family time. Very cool.

I had to work up some energy so I could drive home to SF. I knew I had work ahead of me. I had to make my bed with clean sheets, wash dishes, etc. Little things that take up time. I thought I'd be in bed reading the last part of my Sanford novel Mind Prey.

Something happened on the drive into SF. I had my CD player playing The Doors. I got so into it I was dancing in my car seat. I loved it. Music energized me. When I got off the Freeway I rolled down my window so I could pump up the volume even more. I loved the cool air, the city lights, downtown SF and my music. I just wanted to keep driving just to listen to more music.

When I got into room 206 I put on more music and just kept rocking. I got a lot done and can't believe that I'm still up at 10:45. I'm just loving the music cranked up to Saturday Night High.

I don't have neighbors on either side so I'm going for it. I'm dancing while working around the little room. Tonight, I feel eternally young. Stuck in time when music and dancing were all I lived for. It was fun.

I'm beginning to slow up, somehow I'll have to stop the rock and roll and roll into bed and finish my novel. Sunday is SLEEP IN DAY. Ahhh the luxury.

I miss my young lively life today. Most other days I'm happy with my older self. I'm sure tomorrow I'll embrace my older self tenderly so I don't hurt my old bones and muscles I spent dancing around my room tonight. Gotta hang with the Big Dogs. Just suck up Old Age and fugitaboudit!!

Lights Out Kids!!


Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Amen to dancing and CLASSIC rock and roll!!!!
My kids crack up when they catch me dancing and getting my groove on... only happens occasionally, but your right, it should happen so much more, since the smile that goes with it - and the euphoria, are awesome!
A sweet Sunday to you.... and your young/older self!

*karendianne. said...

Woah, trippy cosmic!!!

Well, she's fashionably lean
And she's fashionably late
She'll never rank a scene
She'll never break a date
But she's no drag
Just watch the way she walks

She's a twentieth century fox
She's a twentieth century fox

:) Big Doors Fan Love, *karendianne.

Anonymous said...

I dig your Saturday night vibes. I too want to run, run, through the SF streets at night, with music as muse, being as one with the people -- who, once they see your scene, join in with you.

Kick out the old conservative in me, I want to live young! I don't care that I'm 70! (help!) See you tomorrow night. Mumtie.