Tourist Travel Culinary Guide to South American Countries: Mos of dees cuuntrees, dey eat lossa beef en pork en lam. Please be prepare to hab no-ting but a-lossa dis typa foods eff jew go dare. Eef jew don keer for ameat products den jew my wan to aboyd dis country.
I'm learning alot from our Chef who hails from Chile. I'm learning how to 'aspeak hiss lang-guich'. It was difficult at first but I'm getting a hang of it now. Actually, I'm starting to speak like him in my head! I'm listening to his lectures for 5 hours a day and the Lang-guich is sticking now. I'm beginning to almost unner-sand my instructor-chef now. (Thursday)
I'm not making fun since I come from a Hispanic background, I'm just noting the accent and trying to make sense of it. At times I'm fondly reminded of my dear departed Grandfather who spoke with a heavy accent as well, even after living the majority of his life here in the States. The Chef will say thing just like my sweet Grandpa would say and its like hearing from him again. Very sweet. I like our Chef. He's very organized and a serious Clean Freak. I LOVE that! Finally we get to a class that stresses cleanliness and organization! Our previous class was a riot of dirty dishes and messy tables. It was hard for me to work in that kind of environment. I can't begin to cook unless everything is clean. (guess I'm a neat freak too). Even though I really liked our previous Chef I could not stand the messiness and lazy student Chefs who sometimes would return a borrowed tool DIRTY! That was the last straw.
But I digress... It has been record HOT temps here in SF for the last week and more to come so that is another reason I have a hard time eating the food from these countries. Its Stews, hot spices, very little fresh Seggies, some salads, more beef, bacon, lard, (yes in this class we use LARD!), lamb and more beef. I can't do it. Its just too much. I need to head to a Spa somewhere for detox and massaging out the toxins (or whatever). I feel so sluggish.
So the bottom line is that I'm not really enjoying this class as much as the others. Maybe its the lard or the beef or the beef. I can't quite put my hoof on it. Plus, its so hot. Too hot for hot foods. I may have to move to Alaska due to global warming. I came to this City for the marine air and fog. I should get a discount on my student loans for this travesty!
Its early but I'm off to sleep now. All this "hearty" food has taken its toll on my nighttime hours. I'm offically an Old Fogey. Going to bed soooo early. Happily. That's the fogey part.
Welcome to my world (without the heat)...
It's a meat world here...last night's dinner was lamb meatballs, baked potatoes, tomato melties (butter, garlic, spices, tomatoes, mushrooms, motz cheese on top of sourdough bread and baked), Caesar salad...
I am with you. Before I cook my kitchen has to be clean.. Drives my husband crazy....
And when he cooks he leaves a big fat mess.. Drives me crazy...
I LOVE your Chef! He speakin' my languish....just need to find my choose... (shoes) so I can do my chores...
Oh Debra, this is a hilarious post. I love the way you impersonate the Chef.
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