Not Funny anymore. Some oddballs like the heat, even some I'm related to, not me. Half of me, the cheap Irish skin part cannot deal with the Blistering Sun God. After cooking all morning in an extra HOT kitchen with layers of clothing, socks and big ol' heavy shoes, I boarded the Shuttle or the 'ol' tin can', for the ride home. I could close my eyes and was sure I was on a diesel bus rattling through the Egyptian desert heat at High Noon on a pot-holed dusty road miles from the nearest sign of life. The photo to the right seems like it is chilly-er than that horrid shuttle. I even wondered if Satan's little driver had the heater on for a joke. I think I even smelled like a camel when I arrived at my destination. Maybe we'll be cooking camel next week. Probably. We've seriously run through the entire beef and pork kingdom in class already. There can't be any live Porky's or Bessie's left. Someone call Noah and have him send two more of each STAT! Oh yeah, and call Moses while your at it and have him lead me out of this friggin' desert before I melt!!
What did we cook today you ask? Who cares. Its too hot to think.
I can't resist. We had PORK RIBS! Scrambled eggs with CHEESE (this is like a bad dream huh) home fried potatoes that were cooked in LARD! (but Phil said he used half of what Chef told him to.) Thanks Phil, you're a dream - and I'm living a triple-by-pass nightmare for God's sake. Then, to cool our jets, we had some HABANERO chile sauce to top everything with. I've never ever seen soooooo many habanero's put into one dish. I counted 63 of them. I'm NOT kidding! Chef had me count them. They were mixed with tomatoes and onions and chili powder, cumin and paprika. Granted we filled up a hugh plastic Lexan container with it but even still those little "Scotch Bonnets" are unbelieveable hot. I think we ended up with about 3 or so gallons of sauce, but 63 CHILES!! (Papa J, I've got some extra to bring home for you cuz I know you like that hot stuff)
And how the heck did they get the name of Scotch Bonnet? I could make something up but that'd be no fun. Oh hell. Yes it would. But I'll try that one another day perhaps.
On a side note, why is it that the birds don't fly out of the city to a cooler area when its so hot? They can. Don't they know that? They could fly to the beach and it would be much cooler. Here they are hanging out on the hot pavement picking at dried up old crumbs and stuff. Why not fly to a lake or water hangout and chill off and doze in a shady tree? Does the heat make everything stupid? At least I'm in a dark hovel with a fan blowing.
1 comment:
Just thinking of being in a city around all of that cement that's soaking up the sun makes me warm. And having to ride a bus yet, no thank you. Been there done that and moved to the mtns. Much cooler here this week so I'll send some your way.
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