We Hat Picked our mystery country yesterday and I somehow mistakenly picked Southern Germany! Yikes. No one wanted to trade with me. Iceholes! Our project is due next week and I have to put together a four course meal for it. Seems to me that mustard is a "course" with German food. Sauerkraut is like the only vegetable allowed and I'm really not pleased that I have to cook food that is considered Wurst!!
I'll have to make due. Considering the Chef is part German, I'll make him some Spatzel, Beer Soup and plenty of sausages with Krauts. (what did I do to deserve this!) The others picked places like Spain, Portugal, France, Italy - Northern and Southern and I picked the Land of 1500 different sausages. Whoopee.
I signed up for a wine tour this Saturday morning to Napa. The school has put it together along with a light breakfast, transportation and a lunch. We'll be going to Mondavi and a few others. Learning some inside stuff I guess. Should be worth the day's time. I shall report to the blogmeister upon returning (or as soon as I've recovered). The weather's been good so the trip should be very enjoyable. Let's see, no driving, wine tasting, free food, Yep its a keeper!
Well, time to dash off so I can put together my recipe for BEER SOUP! Gads. I never thought I'd miss the French. Or the Italians. Huh Joey. Ciao Ciao.
Woah!!!! Sausageville! I am currently reading a very good juicy fictional book about Venice... LOVE it!
Too bad.. No Italians for you...
But, that wine trip sounds way awesome!
When I was in Germany, sausage was served everywhere. However, one night we did attend a type of buffet restaurant. They used a white radish in the salad, but no carrot, cucumber, or tomato that I can recall. Would you like me to look in my Pennsylvania Dutch cookbooks for inspiration?
Hat picking sounds fun but what the Universe was playing fun with you on that Southern Germany thing.
This post was a blast.
Hilarity in Kitchen Love, *karendianne.
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