How can you even cook something this beautiful?! This is a member of the cabbage family. I'd say the rich Second Cousin twice removed. Its called "chou Romanescu" and it is a beautiful example of fractals in food.
There is so much to appreciate with food. Fork, knife, spoon. That pretty much covers it.
Okay, lets all get terribly spiritual here and say this is the only veg that grows on Tom Cruise's property.
I love this vegetable. Its sooo amazing. Can you see why I love food so much??
YES! I love finding cool symmetry in veggies... Artichokes are my fave... looking straight down at the leaves before cooked, then cutting a cross section... Beautiful! And of course a cross section of zucchini, also raw... etc... There are so many gorgeous creations!
Oh Wow! This is totally neat! It looks yummy.
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