Somehow teh last too days of Asian cookin wur a stunnin, horibl, mess for me. Me needs to tink on it a lot. I hurt my head just tinking on it real gud.
Chef din like anyting I did xcept my plate wuz hot when I had to present my fud. I felled purty yucky.
On the other hand however, I thought it was a good plate and I think "someone" had a grudge against a strong-minded determined lady (who shall remain nameless) wink, wink...
Anyway, I'll never again make Burmese Fusion food. We all had to pick a sheet of paper that had the country on it and the protein we needed to cook with. A fun idea that crashed and burned all the way. What was that? You want to know what Burmese Fusion food is? SO DO I!
It was a futility in cooking Beef Hindu style (a country that don't eat beef). I think the chef picked a name from a pile of us students to pummel and I got the draw. Any normal student would have broke down and melted into the cement floor - but not hardheaded opinionated me. No sirree. I had to rebut his comments and actually explain why I did things my way. He din like dat. Sometimes I wish I could just zip my lip but the darn thing keeps flappin away when it gets all irritated.
So 20 minutes later I threw a twin set of 3 oz of filet mignons topped with a tarragon cayenne herbed butter in the garbage along with the side of mushrooms and onions sauted with a dash of oyster sauce, butter and wine, in addition to layers of sliced red potatoes sauted to a golden brown topped with a dash of sea salt and then a butter lettuce cup with frisee lettuce, blood orange, blanched asparagus and minced shallots covered with a sweet chili sauce mellowed with orange and lime juice. Directly in the Trash, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. The Chef had a monopoly on me. He won all the apartments and houses and my icon was the shoe that got booted. Waa. Whine. I think I'll buy him a little Chef Hat statue with "E Tu Brutal" engraved on it.
But, it is all now over. Next class is only two weeks long and is another computer/math thing called Culinary Management. Math is not my favorite subject so I expect I'll look for Motrin on sale somewhere. After that we have one week of Wine II. I think we learn how to pair wine with cheeses and such. No cooking for another 3 weeks. That means I can grow fingernails again. With so much to look forward to.... kidding.
Sign me up for the wine pairing....
Wine with cheese
Wine with chocolate
Wine with a full moon
Wine with Pearls
Wine with an apron
Wine with cute shoes....
I don't think you can go wrong with wine!
And the meal was tossed??????
No No NO! Say it ain't so!!!
Let me cuva my meat mama ears!
Yes, everyone, I did observe the Kitchen Bitch, who is usually high in spirits, laying lowwwwwww.
Poor little ting.
Amazing that even when she is down, she still writes the funniest stuff. I tell her that her golden future is to be found in her writing. The new Erma Bombeck! I cook and lament, Kitchen Bitch cooks and finds the humor in it all. There's no one like you, KB. And then Andi comes up with the cutest comment! Ach! these precious nieces of mine!! Auntie Mum.
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