Somehow teh last too days of Asian cookin wur a stunnin, horibl, mess for me. Me needs to tink on it a lot. I hurt my head just tinking on it real gud.
Chef din like anyting I did xcept my plate wuz hot when I had to present my fud. I felled purty yucky.
On the other hand however, I thought it was a good plate and I think "someone" had a grudge against a strong-minded determined lady (who shall remain nameless) wink, wink...
Anyway, I'll never again make Burmese Fusion food. We all had to pick a sheet of paper that had the country on it and the protein we needed to cook with. A fun idea that crashed and burned all the way. What was that? You want to know what Burmese Fusion food is? SO DO I!
It was a futility in cooking Beef Hindu style (a country that don't eat beef). I think the chef picked a name from a pile of us students to pummel and I got the draw. Any normal student would have broke down and melted into the cement floor - but not hardheaded opinionated me. No sirree. I had to rebut his comments and actually explain why I did things my way. He din like dat. Sometimes I wish I could just zip my lip but the darn thing keeps flappin away when it gets all irritated.
So 20 minutes later I threw a twin set of 3 oz of filet mignons topped with a tarragon cayenne herbed butter in the garbage along with the side of mushrooms and onions sauted with a dash of oyster sauce, butter and wine, in addition to layers of sliced red potatoes sauted to a golden brown topped with a dash of sea salt and then a butter lettuce cup with frisee lettuce, blood orange, blanched asparagus and minced shallots covered with a sweet chili sauce mellowed with orange and lime juice. Directly in the Trash, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. The Chef had a monopoly on me. He won all the apartments and houses and my icon was the shoe that got booted. Waa. Whine. I think I'll buy him a little Chef Hat statue with "E Tu Brutal" engraved on it.
But, it is all now over. Next class is only two weeks long and is another computer/math thing called Culinary Management. Math is not my favorite subject so I expect I'll look for Motrin on sale somewhere. After that we have one week of Wine II. I think we learn how to pair wine with cheeses and such. No cooking for another 3 weeks. That means I can grow fingernails again. With so much to look forward to.... kidding.