
I Want To Be a Chef Okay?!

In the worst way!

I'm good at making the visibly horrible into something of an art form. It'll cost me an arm and a leg to get into the San Francisco Culinary Academy but I've got that!

The difficulty here is finding a good side dish to serve with this particular brand of meat. I'd have to go with something bold, like a fully dressed stuffed peacock. Or a jelee of toad warts served on toasted mini buns. That'd be the Valtrex special of the day!

Yep, I wanna be a chef....

1 comment:

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

OK! I'll be the first to post!
I'm looking forward to checking out your recipes and of course 'hearing' about the cooking school experience! Sounds like a great dream is coming true for you!