
Duck Fat and a Danish

Our Banquets and Catering class is putting on a onsite banquet Monday, a continental breakfast and a lunch. We will be making everything from scratch. We spent Thursday and Friday prepping the doughs, preparing the veggies and being happy because we were in the kitchen again sporting knives as accessories.

We've prepared about 45 crossiants, danish, yogurt, granola, fruit jams and honey butter for the breakfast portion. For lunch, we've made ciabatta rolls that will house some nicely shredded Muskovy Duck with a cranberry relish and some mesculan greens, Soba Noodles with vegetables in a vinagrette sauce (vegetarian selection), Heirloom tomatoes stuffed with baby artichokes and asparagus in vinagrette and finished with sweet ginger dumplings. Our event calls for 35 people but we'll make enough for overage just in case.

We're even making our own fresh squeezed juices. Don't I sound happy, happy. Another reason is that next week is our last week in this class! We can't wait for the last episode of our own Prison Break!! The warden is pushing the prisoners to desperate measures. We could mutiny at any time. YEAH, that's it. Capt'n Bly! We're pirates. (oh my, I'm losing it.)

Back to Earth Lt. Sulu! (Star Trek talk) We have another event to produce Wednesday which is an offsite catering event at a place called The Bethany House. It's a retirement home for low or no income individuals. We'll be doing an early-bird buffet type brunch there. It'll be a feel good week with more time in the kitchen.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, its off to work we go..... Me and all the little munchkins cooking in the kitchens. What a Disney moment. I'm feeling so technicolor.

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