
Careme 350

The California Culinary Academy has its own public restaurant called the Careme 350. The students prepare and cook all the food for this dining spot. I had a chance to eat there this past Friday evening with my friend Jana and her two friends. It was really pretty impressive.
The buffet portion wrapped around all three sides of the room and each station had completely different food offerings, from smoked duck with a delicious cranberry sauce to pate's, terrines, smoked fish, meats, vegetables, soup shots, and any item you can think of. It was over-the-top! After grazing on this multitude of samplings we ordered off the menu. At this point we didn't mind that the actual serving portions were small since we had already quaffed the measure of a full meal. We weren't hurried like a normal restaurant and so we chatted and enjoyed ourselves and our wine.
There was also quite a display of sweets to choose from. Cheesecakes, mini fruit tarts, little cakes, things stuffed with sweet creamy wonderous gels and creams. Double chocolates this and extra creamy thats. We moved in on them like termites on cheap siding. It was fun. Shameful, but fun.
I gotta do that again!

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