
Weekend wit Da Goils!

Me and my girls had a LOT of fun in Porto Nuevo, Mexico. Drove down on Saturday morning and lunched at a fantastic rustic restaurant on lobster, shrimp, fried fish, and buckets of Mexican Beer, hand made tortillas, rice and beans, chips and salsa....what more could you want?

Then we did the street (dirt road) tour of all the shops and had even more fun clowning around. It was a great day. We stayed in Rosarito and spent the evening at Papas and Beer dancing and listening to all the music under the stars. We drove home at 8am the next day with a lot of memories to send me off to Culinary School happy. I love my girls. Mariah can BURP, Gaby cheats at table games, Michele is ALWAYS in charge and I was the tag along. Kinda.

I bought a couple of very colorful serving dishes for catering with color Mexican style. It was a fun weekend for all of us.


*karendianne. said...

Oh such fun! What a great send off. Sounds to me like this is a gang that knows how to make a party wherever they go.

One for the Road Love, *karendianne.

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Wonderful!!! You are so blessed to have a great relationship with your girls.. obviously you are a wonderful mother!!