
The Limbo Bimbo

Well I've packed all that I can pack. All my dishes, glassware and most pots and pans. I eat off paper plates, which I will be doing come November 12th so I'm getting used to it. There's not much I can cook anymore since I've given things away or packed them. I'll have to get used to not cooking in my domicile too. Big changes.

This weekend the bedroom set, the barstools and the cat tree goes to a neighbor so I'll start sleeping on my sofa couch. My daughter will pick up my computer, printer and harddrive since I bought a laptop so I'll have to figure out the wireless thing on the laptop and get busy saving all my important files to disks. My ONLY best friend picked up my glass and brass coffee table so that's gone. I gotta find someone to take the fridge.

I'm happily stressed out but my neck and left shoulder are not happy. I've been going to physical therapy 3 times a week, taking anti-inflammatory stuff and pain meds. As long as its gone by November 12th I'm fine with it. Getting an audit letter from the IRS for 2005 taxes didn't help either. But hey, they can't take blood from a turnip. Especially from one that's been sliced, diced and lightly steamed with garlic butter! Ha

All in all, I'm just waiting it out till it gets closer to moving. Now I'll just chill. Watch some Netflix and read my chefing books. Life is good.

1 comment:

*karendianne. said...

Wow! Roughing it. Right on. Happy for the laptop - do share adventures in the wireless. You're going to get hip to "hot spots" - not that you didn't know about THAT already. GAWD. Did I just go there? Yee Gads I did. teehee!

The IRS is going to find out they owe YOU money. Watch and see. I checked my Crystal Ball this morning and that's what I saw. I'm good for...well you dont need percentages. Just believe. teehee

Morning Oracle Love, *karendianne