For Christmas dinner the family pulled out the stops and nabbed a nice 7lb Prime Rib roast AND a 4lb roast. I was tasked with getting the job done so we had medium rare, which most of us like and a medium roast for the ones who like their meat cooked more.
First, I make a spice rub for it using garlic, about 5 -8 cloves, and a bit of kosher salt (teaspoon) in a small mortar and crush it into paste. Then I add some fresh rosemary if we have it and crush that, a pinch of crushed red pepper (1/2 tsp) and crush that. Then I add some marjoram and olive oil to make it nice and pasty/spreadable.
I rub this mix all over the roast and pop the roast into a pre-heated 500 degree oven. I give it five minutes then turn it down to 350 degrees and let it cook about 1/2 hour per pound. I do have a good digital thermometer that I test it after the alloted time. The temp I like for medium rare is 130-135. I take it out of the oven and let it sit all by itself for 1/2 hour or so. Then slice and serve. For the medium roast the temp should be about 140-145. Rest, then serve.
Don't open the oven door once you got it in there or you'll just cool things down and screw up your timing. Okay, maybe once to smell its delicious lusciousness!
I cooked both roasts in the same pan on a rack. Put them in at the same time and took them out at the same time. Since the one is smaller it cooks faster than the big one. If we had more people who liked medium roast I would have had to put the big one in first then follow with the small one. Oh, you get the picture!
The Prime Rib roast was a very nice slice of heaven!! Yum. I want a do-over!!
I want a do-over too! Just so your followers know, the aromatic rub set the anticipation for the meal at an all time high. The prime rib was cooked to perfection, and I savored every single bite, I want me some more....
thankful and grateful for Deb's high falutin cookin'
But she also made a delectable bread pudding, that was even better the next day (if you can believe that!) AND breakfast which was fantastic and can only be eaten fresh, it was a juevos ranchero (sp?) but made like a lasangna. That was a great foodie start to the day, and then she also made her famous bread rounds.
What a treat! Don't you just love how everyone's been able to enjoy your gift, your talent, your expertise, your joy, your innate ability to create in the kitchen where so many of us are at a loss. I only wish I could have been there along with the rest of the familia to savor it all.
Deb, you really are a very special person with a very unique and special gift!
...and Bread Rounds? WTF...I'm round already - do we need those?!
Hispanic Pork Love, *karendianne.
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