

It's cold. For me. My Chicago friends, Cher and Joe are suffering with single digit temps but they were born in that stuff. I was born here in San Fran but it was July not December. I think that has some merit here in this little diatrabe. Maybe if I was born in December I would be having a better time of this.

Actually, its not really so bad. I love all the bundles of clothes. I like having the heat on at night and I like the blankets heavy on me. I sleep better that way.

I never thought I could get cold after living in Los Angeles for these past too many years. That place sucks for cold weather, rain, chills. I was too warm there.

It took me 20 minutes to get dressed to leave the office today. By the time I was done I looked like a blackened spiced Pillsbury Dough person. I've never had to wear thermals under my real clothes. I don't think I even wore them when I used to ski. I had knit gloves, a nice warm scarf to go around my cable knit turtleneck sweater, double pair of socks, a knit cap and my big fluffy winter proof jacket with a hood. And this is just for San Francisco! I'd perish in Chicago. I'd go down faster than Blagojechiviche or whatever.

I better head into a hot shower now then crawl under the blankey's and read a good scary novel. Now that's Christmas!


Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Hey girl.. Come on up for a visit! We will show ya some cold! And snow!!! Let's go skiing!!!
We do have a ski resort just 17 miles up the hill....

fa la la la la la!

*karendianne. said...

Oh that Andi and her super duper cold weather! She's really got it going on up there. I think I'll just crank the A/C and put on my sweats and pretend...