As my dearest friend Joe says, White Wine is for old people and children. I know I act like a child from time to time and I know there have been times when I've been SHOCK (a papa John word) to see myself in the mirror, but you won't catch me (or Joe) drinking white wine as a habit.
I actually asked the Chef if it would help if I added sugar to my wine. He didn't really think people did that. I would consider it if I lived in the Loire Valley region of France. I would also consider sobriety. With white wine the color ranges between Straw to Gold. As it matures it gets darker. The stuff we drank today started out like a Marilyn Monroe platinum and ended in a Paris Hilton blond. One non-existant and the other wacked out. I got confused in my tasting and realized at one point I was drinking my spitoon wine! I figured it out since it was more filtered and thusly, tasted better. blech. My classmates got a laugh.
I hope tomorrow we get in our Short Yellow Bus and head to a warmer region of France for some good Reds. The Redder the Better. At least this class is teaching me the regions to avoid like the Black Plague if I ever set foot in France again.
But, I live to suffer through another day of wine tasting. Oh yeah, we also take a business management class in the mornings too. Wine class is just more fun to talk about. Until tomorrow. Happy Cinco De Mayo mi compadres!
Just got home from margarita ville..
Ah, nothin' like a good on the rocks quervo gold margarita...
Wine.. I'm with you the redder the bedder... forget the white stuff...
oops! Can I edit? Make that 'the better'! Tee Hee!
That would be one powerful Margarita!
This is a great post! I leared a lot.
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